2018 sees the launch of the Guns, Gangs & Knives Campaign.  Our aim is to deliver the Anti-Bullying Campaign to schools across the country and work with Police Authorities, Organisations and Businesses on a new Anti-Gun, Gang & Knife Campaign to deliver important messages to the youth of today and help to eradicate the irreparable decision making life changing decisions some of them choose to make.  Dave says “If You Carry A Knife Chances Are You’ll Take A Life”

Building on the hugely popular Anti-Bullying presentation we are now including an element to support the Guns, Gangs & Knives campaign to help pupils of all ages across the country understand the very real danger of carrying and gang culture represents to them and their family.

Together we aim to deliver the Anti-Bullying Campaign to schools across the country and work with Police Authorities, Organisations and Businesses on a new Anti-Gun, Gang & Knife Campaign to deliver important messages to the youth of today and help to eradicate the irreparable decision making life changing decisions some of them choose to make. Dave says “If You Carry A Knife Chances Are You’ll Take A Life”.

With Dave’s unique style he is able to with interactive participation and using various approaches to engage with children and adults alike to deliver hard hitting messages that are easily and readily understood by the age groups that resonate with them. This proven method can be demonstrated by the many testimonials received from around the country. The Angel of Strength is a presentation like no other and is suitable for primary, junior and secondary schools and is tailored to suit age groups. See more details and on how you can get Big Dave to visit your school at www.dgangelofstrength.co.uk

What people don’t realise is that it is not only the victims and their families that you hear about in the national media but there is strong evidence that around two children of school age a month are succeeding in taking their own lives. Due in the main to the stress of bullying and the gang culture that is prevalent all around them.

Since 2012 bullying has led to 71 school children according to damming official figures. Although many of these are  young males this is not exclusive and many girls are also at risk. But it can be prevented by getting the message to the school children that are most at risk of bullying and or becoming a victim or being groomed into a gang culture where the very real risk of coming into contact with guns and knives exist.

Anti-bullying charities estimate that 145,000 teenagers suffer daily abuse in school and on social media.