When you have been engaging in the same lifestyle habits for several years, it may look easy to just change over to living a more positive lifestyle. The truth is that it’s not as easy as you think. Taking small steps towards changing your lifestyle habits is the only way to be successful, especially when you’re changing your eating habits at the same time.

Some of the most harmful lifestyle habits are ones you may not even realize you are engaging in. These habits may include the following:

Drinking in excess


Using recreational drugs

Engaging in risky sexual behaviour

Allowing stress into your life

Poor time management and balance between work, family and recreation

It is has been proven that living a healthier lifestyle promotes a healthy immune system, a longer life expectancy, a decreased risk of getting life-threatening illnesses, and an overall sound body and mind. Here are some of the most important ways to start changing your poor lifestyle habits into positive lifestyle changes.


Physical activity is a staple in living a healthier lifestyle. Many people have no desire to exercise or engage in any type of physical activity. Not only does exercising increase the production of endorphins which promotes happiness and satisfaction, but it also makes you feel better mentally and increases your confidence level.

Keep yourself Active

An active lifestyle usually results in a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity is extremely important to maintain our fitness levels although it can easily be ignored. The great thing is that exercising doesn’t necessarily mean joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer. Instead of hitting the gym think about other ways you can introduce more physical activity into your routine. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator or an elevator. Instead of driving to work, walk to work. Even something as simple as keeping up on daily chores can give you enough exercise to help improve your overall health. It only takes 30 minutes a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Some easy tips for keeping active include:

Joining sports teams

Turning the television off and find more physical things that you enjoy doing such as gardening

Take a walk during your lunch break

Keep up on your daily chores such as cleaning and scrubbing the house

Take a Break from the Internet

Make a point of getting away from every type of technology you can several times a week. Sitting around browsing the Internet keeps you from getting up and moving around. Instead of chatting with people online, playing games or engaging in social media, change it up 2 to 3 times a week by going out and doing something fun with your family and/ or friends. Take a walk, play games with your children, have a cookout, take a spa day, or do anything else that is enjoyable to you where you won’t be involved with using modern technology. This will not only keep you active, but it will improve your social skills.

Change to a Healthier Lifestyle

The word “lifestyle” means a way of life or routine. Living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t just end at changing your diet, exercising or adopting positive social skills. Your habits and hobbies should be healthy, too. Some of the ways you can do this include:

Avoid drinking in excess

Stop taking recreational drugs

Quit smoking

Get enough sleep

Start thinking more positive

Avoid stress and anything that will cause anxiety

Dieting and exercising are not the sole answer in living a healthier lifestyle. Avoid smoking cigarettes and avoid using drugs and alcohol.

Author Alexi Gibbs ©