A little bit more about the man behind veterans lifeline.

Nick Perry, a former Army Warrant Officer and Liverpool Lad who returned home. The plight of the local Veterans (with no diagnosed medical issues so not on the radar of other military charities) led him to take action in line with his experience as a Personal Recovery Officer (dealing with Wounded Injured and Sick service personnel) and the knowledge of his 25 year military career as well as experiences gained from operating in hostile environments like Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Nick was also the House Sergeant Major of Tedworth House towards the end of his military career (H4H HQ and recovery centre in Wiltshire), so he understands how the charity’s operate and He has also worked with our hardest hit serving personnel, indeed he was personally in charge of the recovery pathway of the worse case of PTSD the British Army had ever seen.

For Nick it’s very simple, He hates to see people struggle in general but the truth is we live in a very hard world that can if you are not careful and probably when you least expect it, chew you up and spit you out (this world has no boundaries on who it can creep up on and spin their world upside down, you may have left service as a private or a Colonel in the SAS, everyone at times needs a little support some more than others), and trust us if this world turns on you and brings you to your knees then I guarantee you would want someone like Nick by your side. Nick absolutely hates on a very personal level to see a veteran brought to his or her knees because of lots of different reasons and the thought of a struggling veteran committing suicide when We know he or she really doesn’t need to is an absolute killer for us (this is not a romantic notion for us, this is real life) and believe it or not We always try our best not to get overly involved emotionaly.

Veterans’ Lifeline takes a different approach, quite holistic. They don’t stand by the fast-flowing stream, fishing struggling veterans out then helping them (like many other charities). Instead, where possible, they move upstream to see why they are falling in and try to prevent it.

The HARDFACTS model is used to identify the underlying problems and we try not to get to focused on the symptoms of the underlying problem (we won’t just fix the symptom and then walk away, of course the symptom will be dealt with but concurrently we look to fix the cause): Health, Accommodation, Relocation, Drugs/Alcohol, Finances, Attitude, Children/Family, Training/Employment, Supporting Agencies. Each is tackled and if there’s an issue solutions are sought with the Veteran. Complex issues, broken down one by one to achieve an achievable and lasting solution for the struggling veteran.

Veterans’ lifeline is a fully registered charity. The Veterans’ Lifeline working day starts at 06:00hrs, and usually finishes somewhere around 0130hrs. We support tri-service veterans; it doesn’t matter which Regiment/Corps/Service the individual served in: If you are a Veteran who needs help, Veterans’ Lifeline will do its best to support in any way it can.

Veterans’ Lifeline is a Registered Charity to ensure accountability to the Charity Commission. Unlike other ways of organising large-scale monetary donations (Non-profit organisations for example) it’s impossible to use the money given for anything other than the uses agreed in the constitution (and approved by the Charity Commission). If anyone tried to take money out of the charity for anything not agreed the charitable status could be lost (and they’d have Nick to deal with!). In short, you won’t see any trustees suddenly going on mass spending sprees using the money you’ve given and raised for the Charity! There are some necessary and unavoidable costs of running a charity, but once those have been dealt with, the money will go to the Veterans.
Clear, transparent and honest: Veterans’ Lifeline.

Registered Charity Number 1167271

Now! Please spread the word. Please choose Veterans’ Lifeline as your charity when you’re fundraising!!

Helping struggling Veterans NOW! Please help us to help them!

This is not a reality TV show. This is real life.

To DONATE or FUNDRAISE – click on this link: https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/veteranslifeline

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